Saturday, July 16, 2011


I was twenty-four (24) years old when I had surgery in 1988. I had the surgery at Menorah Medical Center. CMH decided to kick the big kids out. :-)

I was taking some classes at one of the local community colleges. I decided that I needed an outlet.


Not too long after my surgery in Oct. 1987, my columella pulled away. It just became detached. Just one of those things that happened. I was really upset when it happened tho.

October 1988

On Sun., Oct. 16, 1988, my parents and I met with Dr. Tessier. I could smell the tension. I had the feeling a lot of people were rather annoyed with me over the way I reacted to the hair shaving thing. The surgery was planned for Fri., Oct. 21st.

On Wednesday that week I had to go to Menorah to get labwork done and meet with the anesthesiologist. That didn't take too long. I had never been to the hospital to even visit anyone. I requested a tour. I got it. The staff member showed me what floor I would be on and all. :-)

Fri., Oct. 21, 1988

I got up that morning. My NPO orders were for 6 AM. My surgery was scheduled for late in the day. I was going to be the fourth and final surgery of the day. I had class that morning so I went to class. I got an A on the test that I had taken the week before. No one knew I was going to be gone for a few days because I was having surgery.

I came home and took another shower. As I was standing in the shower, I knew that something that I didn't like was going to happen. I had already been told that skin from behind my right ear would be used to open up my nostrils more. I knew what that meant. No one needed to tell me.

My parents and I arrived at the hospital at 2:00 PM. I went thru the standard admitting procedures. We were shown to the Ambulatory Surgery area, which was real close to the OR suite. My mom and I talked to the anesthesiologist again. We both told him NO premeds. His answer: I had to have them. He told us that I would get a dose of anti-nausea meds anyway.

Because it was late in the day and it was not known what time I would go to surgery, I got transferred to the room where I would be going after surgery.

I finally went to holding about 4:00 PM. The anesthesiologist started my IV and sent me over to Recovery because they wanted to shut down holding for the day.

Let me tell you the premeds and anti-nausea meds made me feel awful. My mom got to come into Recovery. I told my mom that I felt awful because of the meds. I am lucky that I didn't get sick. I was finally taken to the OR after 5:30 PM.

During the surgery, Dr. Tessier took the skin from behind my right ear and grafted it to either side of the big opening where my nostrils should be. Then he put a splint thingie in the spot where my nostrils should be. (I used the splint thingie for about six (6) months. Dr. Tessier did a eyelift. I had acquired ptosis because of the work he had done around my eye in 1987.

I woke up in recovery. Eventually I was transferred to my room. I believe it was around 8:00 PM when that happened.

I was pretty sick that night. Mom stayed with me even tho I did not need her to stay. But she stayed anyway. I am glad she did tho since I was pretty sick.

Sat., Oct. 21, 1988

In the morning, Dr. Tessier, my PS, and the residents made their rounds. I was still feeling the effects from the night before.

The day passed by pretty uneventful. I stayed at the hospital by myself that night.

Sun., Oct. 23, 1988

I finally got my IV out and went walking around the hospital.

Mon., Oct. 24, 1988

I got my dressings changed and got released from the hospital that morning.


I ended up grieving over the hair for a few minutes that I lost during the surgery. It may not seem like a big deal to someone reading this. But it does to me. My hair never grew back in right. But I deal with it.

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